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A kitchen worktop in bluestone: pleasure for the whole family

3 October 2019
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Your kitchen, the heart of your home, is an essential part of your family life. You enjoy spending time together while cooking, there are important things to discuss while eating, etc. Your kitchen should therefore be perfectly attuned to the dynamics of your family. With a kitchen worktop in bluestone for example!

Bluestone worktop


Maintenance is child's play

In addition to its wonderful appearance, easy maintenance is one of the main advantages of a bluestone kitchen worktop. The only thing you have to do is keep the surface of the worktop clean with water. You can also add a small amount of pH-neutral detergent to your water if need be. Have you spilled something, or are there stubborn grease marks or food stains on your kitchen worktop? Then the bluestone can be cleaned with sodium carbonate diluted with water or with a multi-cleaner for natural stone.

Bluestone worktop


A kitchen worktop in bluestone is highly impact-resistant

Another advantage of a kitchen worktop in EnoTouch, blue flamed or dark blue honed stone is that it is extremely durable and is therefore highly impact-resistant. Moreover, the natural hardness of the stone makes it resistant to thermal shocks, which means you can place hot pots and pans on it without any worries. What's more, bluestone is a stone that lives and gets more attractive the more you use it. So you can really get stuck in to things in a kitchen with a bluestone worktop!

Bluestone worktop
Bluestone worktop
Bluestone worktop
Bluestone worktop

Completely won over by a kitchen worktop in bluestone? So why not go for a bluestone kitchen floor too? Our Essentials line fits perfectly with your family thanks to its playful accents and dynamic laying pattern!

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