Bluestone is the perfect material for your outdoor steps, whether large or small. Not only does the timeless look of this ancient local stone suit any (garden) design, it is also resistant to all the vagaries of Mother Nature.

Bluestone is the perfect material for your outdoor steps, whether large or small. Not only does the timeless look of this ancient local stone suit any (garden) design, it is also resistant to all the vagaries of Mother Nature.
Blue limestone originates from a tropical sea, - the tiny white specks (fossils of marine creatures) are proof of that. Logical then that this beautiful natural stone is perfectly at home in nature. That means you can be sure that heavy rain showers, frost or moss will not damage your bluestone. What's more, as the years go by, your outdoor steps in bluestone will look even more attractive.
If there is one property that characterises Belgian bluestone, it is its wear resistance. No wonder then that this natural stone is the ideal material for creating various types of steps and platforms.
For optimal safety, it is best to choose a textured finish. That way, you can be sure that no-one will slip, even when the steps are wet.
You will be amazed by the countless possibilities offered by outdoor steps. For example, have you ever considered free-standing steps in Belgian natural stone? Or scoured steps that give the stairs a light appearance? Perhaps the elegant simplicity of the blue flamed finish is more your thing? The choice is yours.